The activity of the presenter Aline Tumbuan was being solid-congestion. At this time, the master of ceremonies one infotainment that was busy arranging breasts. The artist's senior son-in-law the Melati Rhyme indeed became the envoy of breasts cancer.
"Sekarang aku memang sedang sibuk menjadi relawan untuk kampanye penyakit kanker payudara dan Polio di RS Kanker Dharmais. Untuk kanker payudara itu sudah berjalan dari setahun yang lalu, kalau yang polio itu aku udah dari dua tahun yang lalu bersama Ferry Salim"
Acknowledged by Aline, with the activity himself could know directly the condition for the sufferer and the polio sufferer of breasts cancer. In this way, he more could share information to people around about the two illnesses.
"Aku melihat langsung kondisi penderita polio di sebuah RS di daerah Priuk, Jakarta Utara. Seorang ibu-ibu, miris banget ngeliatnya, sudah berumur juga, aku benar-benar prihatin," He said
The campaign as well as implementation polio of breasts cancer by means of visiting an amount of RS afterwards socialisation him with several patients, apart from distributing the brochure in the roads. Aline hoped, the woman could more understand the condition for his body, for the sake of the health in old age.
"Aku benar-benar belajar banyak, ditambah mertua aku kan memang terkena penyakit kanker payudara, jadi aku berharap kaum perempuan Indonesia dapat lebih memahami penyakit ini seperti apa. Harus lebih memperhatikan bagian tubuhnya dengan teliti, pastikan di payudaranya tidak ada benjolan, atau kalau mau lebih aman memang harus datang ke RS," Obviously alin
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